
Friday 2 March 2018

Reflection About Maths

Reflection about Maths

1. What Types Of Questions Did You Find Easy?
I found the multiplication questions easy, because i could just think in my head and already have the answer, but sometime I use the paper to make sure it is right.

2.  What types of question did you find challenging?
I found the times tables hard because i have to use different times table, because for explape I didn't know my 20 times table so I would have to find a times table that would help solve my answer for my question. And another question I found hard was, division because i don't really know my division but i'll try to divide and hopefully i'll get it right. 

3. What do You think you need to improve on with your maths?
I want to improve my divides and higher times table, i need to learn these because i want to give 100 percent in my work. and when i see a question that have division or higher times table i will already know the answer and answer the question straight away.

Image result for math   Image result for math

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